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My JOURNEY into healing and self awareness began in 1985. I'd been feeling under pressure and experiencing challenges in several areas of my life. I noticed my usual positive attitude and disposition gradually slipping away and an uncomfortable feeling of overwhelm appear. I'd been finding it difficult to relax the constant chatter of my mind. I desired relief which led to my decision to explore ways to create a change.


I began practicing yoga and meditation, which led me to regain my balance and gratefully I found a deeper connection with myself - HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF!


An inner confidence, a calmer state of mind and a sense of contentment emerged. I also felt a strong impulse to engage in life in a more meaningful mindful and authentic way. I felt a flow of vital life energy.


Drawn to explore a range of natural therapies, I studied Yoga, Meditation, Counselling & Coaching, Breathwork, Sound Healing, Energy Healing & Balance, Time Line NLP and Access Consciousness. My daily personal practice provoked an integration of knowledge and understanding. Further inspiration came from a variety of cultures, teachings & philosophies whilst travelling. To this day, my life continues to expand and engages my sense of self, others and the world. 


I aspire to live with gratitude, an open heart and respect for nature's wisdom

Image by Yannic Läderach

My APPROACH brings results - I work with people who desire to experience greater alignment in their life and to access to a higher vibration.  You'll receive personal support and guidance to shed outdated habits, behaviours and conditioning that no longer serves a higher version of you.


You hold the keys. My role is to assist you with practical & effective tools & a manageable framework to expand into your fuller potential.


RECEIVE a comprehensive & integrated approach to support your health and wellbeing. Refresh your energy and reset your focus. When you are in-tune with yourself, inspiration grows & flows. Begin to glow!


Release  Resistance

Allow Vital Life Energy to Flow to you and through you

Image by Simon Migaj

My INTENTION is to guide you to counterbalance stress and disharmony and assist YOU to relax, reset and replenish your body mind heart & soul. 


The Relaxation Project ripple affect - when one person relaxes, their relaxed state extends out to another and another - like ripples in a pond.


Experience greater awareness, connection and love from inside - out. Tune into the signals your body-mind-heart-spirit give you in every moment. 


Cultivate Self Care

Nourish Self Connection

Clifftop Yoga

Judy is professionally trained and qualified


  • Diploma of Holistic Counselling, Diploma of Energetic Healing, Diploma of Holistic Life Coaching.

  • Accredited Yoga Teacher and Meditation Facilitator.

  • NLP Time Line and Access Consciousness Practitioner.

  • Writer and trainer of the Meditation Facilitator's Certificate at Nature Care College in Sydney.

  • Member of the Energetic Healing and Life Studies Faculty at Nature Care College in Sydney.

  • Member of both the Australian Counselling Association & the Australian Yoga Teacher's Association.


Judy has produced a range of popular digital audio Meditations

Give your self or a friend a gift !

* 10 minute Breath Meditation *
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